Author and Journalist

Let’s make waves!!

I write because I love to provide value to my clients.
My writing is based on 15 years of writing experience, personal development and research.
It is my passion to learn, grow and empower.”

— Inga Maria Panten


  • Kim Chareonbood

    Surf Mental Trainer & Life Coach

    “Inga's insightful, engaging and poetic writing struck me right from the start and really appealed to me. Inga also has in-depth knowledge in the field of personal development and I knew she could handle minimal instructions. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support, motivation and inspiration, dear Inga, always a pleasure!"

  • Stefan M. Wojna

    Personal Development Speaker & Crypto Coach

    “Working with Inga was more than worth it for me, because with her help I was finally able to realize my dream of publishing my own e-book. She always kept to the details of the content and deadline agreements and was always available for questions. Many thanks again for everything! I can really recommend her to everyone from the bottom of my heart!"

  • Anja Adelholz

    Relationship Coach

    "Working with Inga on my e-book was very straightforward and easy. I really appreciate her creative and insightful writing. She was wonderfully responsive to my requests and has taken a lot of work off my plate. Inga is very self-reliant, but does not hesitate to ask if necessary. I liked working with her a lot. Highly recommended."

  • Sandra Huber

    CEO of ProLektorat & Success Branding Mentor

    “Inga is an extraordinarily creative and independent copywriter who has not only enriched my agency with her professionalism and reliability, but has also made my projects shine with her sensitive and empathetic texts. As a mentor for copywriters, I especially appreciate her positioning as an expert for personal development and mindfulness…a true asset for texts that move."

  • Azizi Birkeland

    Transformational Health & Wellness Coach

    “Inga has an amazing gift for working with children. She welcomes them into the writing process with a unique combination of playful professionalism. It is really refreshing to witness what she inspires in young writers. My daughter has continued on to write a book out of a character she developed at Inga’s writing workshop. I highly recommend her.”

  • Johanna Kitzberger

    Juniorpartnerin bei wortwelt

    “Die Zusammenarbeit mit Inga als Copywriterin für das Bildungsunternehmen GoStudent war immer sehr bereichernd - auf professioneller und auch persönlicher Ebene. Sie ist eine erfahrene, zuverlässige und talentierte Texterin mit einem guten Gespür für die Zielgruppe und wie man diese am besten anspricht.

    Das Besondere an der Zusammenarbeit mit Inga war ihre große intrinsische Motivation. Sie brachte immer eigene neue Themen und Vorschläge ein - vor allem waren das Artikelideen rund um ihre Schwerpunktthemen Motivation, Bildung, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, Resilienz, Yoga, Meditation und Achtsamkeit. Inga’s Leidenschaft für diese Themen spürt man auch in ihrem Schreibstil: empathisch, kreativ, freundlich, nahbar, fesselnd und leicht spirituell.

    Durch ihre herzliche und motivierte Art machte die Zusammenarbeit immer Spaß und die Kommunikation wahr sehr einfach und ehrlich. Große Flexibilität und Professionalität bewies Inga bei kurzfristigen Aufträgen und Anfragen - die sie immer pünktlich und in top Qualität ablieferte. Ich kann Inga als erfahrene Content Writerin sehr empfehlen.”

Essays on empowerment, education, art and surfing.

Some of my work has been featured in…