Works in Progress

Writing Workshops &

Event Hosting

Community and collaboration is one of my favourite things about working as a creative.

What I offer:

  • Creative Writing Workshops (adults & kids)

  • Surf & Art Retreats

  • Poetry & Open Mic Performances and Hosting

  • Music & Art Cooperations

  • etc.


Surf book.

A mindfulness-guide for (not only) surfers. My personal story of healing from self-sabotage and codependence, through surfing and writing.

Background: I am working on a book on waveriding, art and empowerment. Surfing, the ocean, has given me so much and helped me overcome many obstacles in life.

So I decided that it is time to give something back and share the lessons and wisdom that nature provides.


Poetry collection

I have been keeping journals and writing poetry since age 12. The dream is to one day publish my own collection of poems.

Every artist works as a medium.

The job of a writer is to channel ideas and put them on paper.

It is my duty to speak my truth.

To be a mouthpiece and lend my voice.