
Looking for a writer who truly gets you?

Words are powerful. Let’s make them work for you.

Let me help you establish yourself as an entrepreneur and succeed with your mission, make your contribution to the world.

My trademark: Authenticity.

Let’s find your authentic voice, so you can position yourself clearly in your niche.

My strength: Feeling.

I empathize with your passion project and help you express what you’re all about.

My focus: Conscious Living.

I specialize in empowerment, education, personal growth & coaching content such as…

  • Personal Development & Empowerment

  • Mindfulness

  • Yoga, Meditation & Spirituality

  • Youth Education & Resilience

  • Conscious Travel

  • Sustainability

  • Human Connection & Love

  • Surf Philosophy

  • Art (i.e. poetry, drawing, music)

Personal development is not about optimizing yourself, or trying to erase any flaws.

It’s about AUTHENTICITY - owning & embracing the best version of yourself.

It’s about embracing, appreciating and focusing on your STRENGTHS

and learning to ACCEPT your weaknesses -

even turning them into your SUPERPOWER!



I translated and edited blog articles for Mindvalley (DE). Topics included: self-confidence, soul mates, inner peace, relationships and self-love.



Since June 2020, I write blog articles for one of the largest online tutoring platforms, GoStudent: Insights. Topics include: Mindfulness, Gratitude, Empowerment, non-traditional education and resilience through water sports (e.g. surfing).



I worked with Sandra, CEO at ProLektorat, and her inspiring team of creators on blog articles about life hacks for professional writers and solopreneurs. We also worked on empowering, wonderful e-books for coaches and changemakers.


Fearless Surfer

I worked with Kim on her Instagram content about surfing mindset, personal development and confidence in the water. It was extremely rewarding for me as a passionate surf teacher & ocean lover.

Get in Touch.

I am passionate about supporting entrepreneurs and self-employed creatives, as well as well-known platforms and magazines. I work with coaches, photographers, design agencies and international solopreneurs.