Content Writing Packages

Please note that prices are subject to change. I offer individualized prices per project, based on the scope of work.

  • Single Project

    Working on a single project that keeps bugging you?

    Let me help. Get it done!

    Reliably and efficiently, asap.

    Who knows, maybe it will be the start of a long-term cooperation. ;)

  • Monthly Package

    Looking for a monthly supply of blog or magazine articles at the best rates?

    That’s exactly my thing. Let’s get in touch and create an individual package to take your business to the next level.

  • Book or E-Book

    Become a published writer.

    Share your gift with the world!

    I am thirlled to support your book or e-book project. Profit from years of expertise as a copywriter, insights from the writing world and personal development knowledge.

What do my articles include?

Here is a taste of what you get.

  • Unique, top quality content

  • SEO-structure (H1-H4)

  • SEO-keywords on request

  • Polished grammar & spelling

  • Thorough research

  • Empathetic writing

  • A unique style that will hold your readers captive

  • One feedback loop, if necessary

What you can expect:

  • High standards.

    If you choose to work with me, you can expect top value writing and communication.

    My texts are based on years of personal development and research, since it is my passion to learn and grow.

    I set very high standards for my writing and performance. Therefore, I am continuosly working on sharpening my voice as a writer, through daily practice, events and workshops.

  • Authenticity.

    Authenticity is one of my highest values. I believe in only taking on projects and clients that deeply resonate with me.

    I write because I love to provide value to my clients, not as a means to an end.

    Therefore, I appreciate a personal and authentic connection. That way, I can ensure that you will get the best possible results.

  • Hassle-free delivery.

    Previous clients appreciate how independently I work.

    Once we have set a clear outline of the project, you can sit back, relax and let me take it from here.

    However, I will not hesitate to contact you in case I need clarification, to ensure that the final result is exactly what you were hoping for - and more!

  • Reliability.

    When I have set my mind on something, I will get it done. I will treat your project with utmost care and reliability.

    I deliver on time, if possible before the set deadline. This is a standard I have set for my clients, as well as myself.

  • Integrity.

    Integrity is something I value very much. I will do everything in my power to make you to feel comfortable about our cooperation.

    You can put your full trust in me.

  • Confidentiality.

    You can trust that I will treat your project with respect and confidentiality.

    If you would like me to sign an NDA, I am more than happy to do that.

What clients say about me…

“Inga is an expert for personal development and mindfulness…a true asset for texts that move.”

-Sandra, CEO of ProLektorat and Success Branding Mentor

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Get in touch for a custom package.